What is a Hero?

“Dance Music for Heroes”

Dance music for heroes. That’s my tagline, but what is a hero and who am I writing music for? In general, I believe we’ve all got the potential to be heroes, it just takes a little inspiration. In this post I’m going to dig a little deeper.

What Merriam Says

Merriam-Webster defines a hero as,”

House Ninja as a manga character.
  1. A mythological or legendary figure often of divine descent endowed with great strength or ability
  2. An illustrious warrior
  3. A person admired for achievements and noble qualities
  4. One who shows great courage
  5. A principal character in a literary or dramatic work – used specifically of a principal male character especially when contrasted with heroine (now also used as a principal character who is female)

I appreciate aspects from several of these definitions. I really like #3 because it defines a hero as someone we can all aspire to be, although it doesn’t account for individuals who go unrecognized. #5 also resonates with me as we’re each the principal character in our own life-story. It’s this literary aspect which makes me think of some of our iconic heroes and what characterizes them. Also important in #5: I’m using “hero” as a positive, gender-neutral term.

Characteristics of Heroes

In addition to reviewing definitions, I reflected on common characteristics of heroes. Here’s what I came up with. Heroes:

House Ninja logo
The House Ninja logo. Because every superhero needs a logo.
  1. Stand up for the oppressed
  2. Persevere against the odds
  3. Have an antagonist
  4. Do the right thing even when nobody is watching
  5. Are flawed

The last point is uncomfortably encouraging for me. Superman, Batman, Wolverine, Ironman; all had their flaws from Kryptonite to arrogance. I find this encouraging because we don’t have to be perfect to be heroes… but it’s also uncomfortable to think about. our own shortcomings.

I think one of my main flaws is egocentrism. Because I realize that tendency, I push myself to think of others. It’s that striving that makes me heroic. In some ways that’s what the House Ninja project is all about: I’m creating an iconic, heroic figure that I aspire to live up to. When I put on my ninja-jammies, it’s a visual reminder to myself that it’s time to step up and “live the dream.” It’s not just a stage costume, it’s a reminder of a lifestyle change.

A Working Definition of Heroes

“A hero is anyone who persists in the face of adversity to better the world or those around them.”

So there’s my working definition. What do you think? Does this provide a concise, inclusive definition of what it means to be a hero? It is purposefully vague: it leaves the reader space to define what adversity is and what “better” means.

Who are these Heroes you Speak of?

I write music to honor, entertain, and inspire heroes of all kinds: from the epically heroic who may one day be eulogized in our history books to those of us with more humble backgrounds who’s stories are just beginning.

Perhaps most importantly, you are MY heroes. Without you reading my blog, listening to my music, or coming to my shows… there is no House Ninja. Your investment in me inspires me to become something more. It is my humble hope my efforts give both inspiration and entertainment in return.

My signature playlist on Spotify. Please share it with a friend who needs a lift.

This blog post was inspired by two friends of mine, RaverJ and Baphometrix. I encourage you to read their posts about heroes as well. Image credit: Pixabay.

Who am I? Read more about me here.

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