PLP 080: Mega Ran on Overcoming Your Fears, Drawing Inspiration from Pop Culture, and Booking Your own Tour

Raheem Jarbo, better known as Mega Ran, is a nerdcore rapper and Guinness World record holder who fuses hip-hop with gaming and geek culture to create infectious beats and memorable music. Mega Ran’s music and story have been featured on CNN, ABC, NBC, ESPN, Tosh.O, and WWE wrestling. Four of his albums have placed in … Read more

PLP 075: James Landino on Composing for Video Games, Anime, and DJing Convention Raves

Today’s guest on the podcast is James Landino: an internationally recognized video game composer and DJ based out of Los Angeles, California. His electronic music bridges the gap of gaming, anime, and nightclub culture and he has amassed millions of plays across multiple platforms. He is best known for his work on the musically acclaimed video game No Straight Roads along with other projects including Tower of God, Chunithm, Osu!, RWBY, Cytus II, Amplitude HD, and DropMix.

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